Yet more University discount lies from the AA Board!
So we go from, "the Uni has paid 100% levy from day one !!" and loads of denial and accusations to "they did have a bit of discount but it's been corrected now"
Are we are all to take your word for it and that's the end of the matter, without any real factual proof, I think people can make their own minds up.
Some people would believe it, me included, if you had come out on day one when this broke and said "it was an error, all been sorted, here's a copy of the Uni payments !"
That would have been believable and the only question today would be "Why is the rule in the current Business Plan to allow for discount in the second term ?"
But you have chosen for many months to deny that the Uni received ANY discount, despite it being in your Minutes. You have chosen to call others liars when in fact the lies, if they are, are in your own words and documents.
It seems like it is too little too late and the hole has already been dug too deep you can't get out of it. Ultimately if people want to now believe your "word" that is up to them but I base my decisions on facts.
Not often I am lost for words but staggering that David Evans, an Advancing Aberystwyth Board Director can blatantly lie. Once again I put it to him and the Board to provide the proof to back this up but I keep saying, the proof is in the Meeting Minutes, unlike David and the Board, they do NOT LIE !