There are many negative aspects and risks associated with establishing and operating a Business Improvement District (BID), and the businesses of Knaresborough needs to decide if a BID is right for the town. The BID proposers will only ever highlight what they see as the positives of establishing a BID, that’s understandable as they would like a YES mandate, but at the same time businesses need to be aware of and ensure they have considered all the associated downside and potential risks they could be voting for.
When the BID proposal goes to ballot this September 2021, the Knaresborough business community needs to be fully informed and should strive for the highest possible voter turnout, so that the result is truly representative of the businesses. But to achieve this it is only fair that both sides of the argument are respectfully made, so that each voting business can make their own fully informed decision based on all the available information.
If you are a Knaresborough BID NO voter feel free to contact us in confidence to ask questions or share your views with us.
These are a few of the main concerns of businesses:
Lack of real consultation by the BID Task Force Group with the businesses, and no feeling being listened to or involved in plans. The BID is a collective scheme in which every voting business is technically 'an investor', because if established it could force all businesses to pay a mandatory levy on top of business rates for 5 years, so best practice is to really engage and get them involved and onboard.
The BID map decided by the Task Force Group is questionable and manipulated. Why leave out St James Retail Park and put the financial burden to make Knaresborough better on all the small independents?
A levy schedule that is against government guidelines and penalises the smallest businesses.
Overlapping / conflicting plans for online presence competing with Knaresborough Online, when they have worked so hard for Knaresborough businesses the past year to create what they have and the reward card just launched etc. Total ignorance towards this when it could be leveraged.
BID is meant to be for the businesses, decided by the businesses, but a massive Harrogate Borough Council block vote could swing the ballot result and force in the BID against the real wish of businesses BID is meant to be for (see blog article below). So the Council (and North Yorkshire County Council) should abstain and let the businesses decide. A good Yorkshire example of the problems caused if the Councils don't abstain is the Yorkshire Coast BID, see our Case Study.
Mis-information being spread by the task force to voters i.e. like the council have car park votes being a fabrication, which it’s not!
There's a general feeling of the BID being rail-roaded on the businesses by a small number of people, when all the wider business community have wanted is good honest engagement, information sharing, questions answered and feeling they are being listened to as they are the 'investors' in what is meant to be a collective scheme.
A few blog articles providing Knaresborough BID information & scrutiny.
Click on headline article image above to open the article in a new window.
In this article the BID Directors make it clear they have decided what they want the main BID funding strategy to be, and that’s to market Knaresborough as an overnight / short stay destination.
But shouldn’t they wait to decide that until they’ve consulted with as many businesses as possble to see what the majority want to spend the BID money on? Unfortunately the BID Directors seem to be ‘jumping the gun’ and making decisions for all Knaresborough businesses whether they like it or not!
Click on headline article image above to open the article in a new window.
In this article the BID proposers admit they are happy to establish the BID on the say of only c25% of Knaresborough businesses!
That’s right, of c380 voting business the BID Directors have already publicly stated they are aiming for 100 votes to win, so they clearly don’t care if the true majority of businesses want a BID in Knaresborough of not!
Knaresborough businesses need to wake up to what is stealthily happening under their noses. It's too late to moan and say you didn’t want a BID when an additional council tax bill lands on the doorsteps of every Knaresborough business for the next 5 years!
We will be continually updating this page, so please check back regularly and in the meantime why not take a look around this Against BID website.