10 reasons to Vote NO to Twickenham BID

aka Discover Twickenham:

1. BID is an extra tax on hard working businesses we just don’t need.

 2. The BID is reducing financial demands on the Council at the expense of us businesses.

 3. They promised BID would be a great investment, but it’s not, what return on investment for your money paid have you seen?  Do you really want to be made to pay for another 5 years?

 4. Despite worst ever trading conditions during covid times, by continuing to force levy collection the BID has shown no compassion for all hard hit businesses.

5. There are businesses that benefit from the BID, but don’t pay towards it, is that fair?

6. Lack of transparency, particularly around Board meeting decision making and accounts. 

7. The councils have too much block voing power in the ballot, did you know that council buildings and car parks get votes? The Council have a conflict of interest and a vested interest in the BID getting in, they have also ignored requests to abstain from voting so that the decision to have BID or not, is made by the businesses without council influence.

8. Do you like how the BID is trying to blackmail you into voting yes? Twickenham businesses should not feel bullied by BID, most towns and cities in the UK do not even have a BID and are fairing well.

9. We have had a BID for 10 years now, has the money you have been forced to pay really been money well spent? When they underspent they gave £102k back to the council which they didn’t need to do, and 5 years later the Council decided to give it back because they should never have taken the money! Only after this became public knowledge did the Council hand it back, do you think this would have happend if it had not been exposed 5 years later? This shows poor financial govenance by the BID Board and Council.

10. BID have not mentioned fighting the ULEZ or increased parking charges, these will have negative commercial impacts on most of us going forwards. These should have been priority lobbying issues to protect Twickenham businesses, but clearly BID don’t care!

As levy payers we deserve better whilst Richmond Council are neglecting their responsibilities and laughing all the way to the bank.

We don’t want another 5 years of this extortion so we need to get rid of Discover Twickenham.

Vote NO to end the BID stealth tax.

Vote NO to Discover Twickenham.

Discover Twickenham BID (Business Improvement District), it is not fit for purpose and an unnecessary tax on businesses. It's had years to prove itself as the great investment they promised us, but it has failed demonstrate this and all we’re doing is paying for things the council should.

If you would like to be put in contact with the campaign team against Twickenham BID email us.