Carmarthen BID has had 5 years to prove itself as a good investment for the town but has consistently failed to demonstrate this. The BID managers and Board of Directors have failed to deliver on the pledges THEY set and have squandered OUR money! It is nothing more than an additional tax collected by the Council.
In the last 5 years including grants Carmarthen BID had a pot of £800k to improve the town……..what have they done with it? Have you seen any improvements?
What will they do with the next £800k besides paying out 35% (£180k) for staffing costs for two members of staff? Do you want to be forced to pay for another 5 years?
They still have £000’s of OUR money in their bank yet they want more from us!
If you would like to contact with the local Carmarthen vote no campaign team contact us.
Here are 10 reasons to vote NO to Carmarthen BID
1. BID is an additional stealth tax on our businesses with little or no return from this forced expenditure and we simply do not need it in Carmarthen.
2. Complete lack of transparency and accountability for OUR money.
3. Poor communication and decision-making processes to spend OUR money
4. Failed to meet the principles of a BID and apply for grants for the town in addition to not meeting any of the four pledges set out in 2020.
5. Run for the benefit of select businesses and its directors. No benefit to most especially offices, solicitors, accountants, estate agents etc with only certain businesses profiteering. Robbing from Peter to pay Paul.
6. 35% of levy goes on staff costs - £52k per annum £180k per 5 year term
7. Council have block voting power with over 15 votes plus the additional premises they have taken over! They are wasting tax payers money, giving it to the BID - a private company that cannot be held to account for what they spend OUR money on.
8. Blackmailing business into voting with threats of the town not having events – we did ok before BID existence. You will not lose flower displays, events etc.
9. Created a divide between traders in the town.
10. Many of us have been in business in the town for up to 50 years and some more with a BID manager not from the area telling us how to run our business!
Whether your bill is £50, £500 or £5000 - Don’t waste your vote! Carmarthen’s businesses large and small need your support so make your vote NO count because a wasted vote indicates a yes!
We do not want another 5 years of this extortion!
Vote NO to end this stealth tax.
Vote NO to Carmarthen BID!
Proof that in 2020 the BID would not have been voted in without Council RV votes!
2020 - 2025 Proposal
This is the campaign webpage for those against Carmarthen Business Improvement District.
We are grateful to those behind the Against BID website, for their expert guidance and also hosting this page.
We will be continually updating this page, so please check back regularly.
Why not take a look around this Against BID website.