Where is the Governance?
The AA Business Plan uses the word Governance to give the impression that Advancing Aberystwyth is being kept in check by a Regulatory Body, but is this true?'
'British BID' and 'The BID Foundation' are Private Limited Companies and have NO governance over a BID, they offer guidance, training courses, conferences etc.
It appears that no regulatory body has checked over the Business Plan, because Advancing Aberystwyth have included grant money and non secured additional funding in their Business Plan, against guidance, as it is neither in the Bank or been applied for.
The BID bodies are best compared to the FSB ( Federation of Small Businesses ) as they both receive income from their members, in the case of a BID this comes from OUR levy payment.
Advancing Aberystwyth is a Private Limited Company, just like many of the businesses of the Town, are not governed by anyone and free to do what they want.
What have BID Bodies and the FSB got in common ?
All have NO governing power on their members !!
Through various communications Advancing Aberystwyth are giving the impression they are this official governed organisation which they are not! More lies and mistruths. It's a private limited company governed by self appointed Directors, a handful of people thinking they know best for everyone else, saying and doing what they want, accountable to no-one except themselves!