BIDs - a flawed business model.


One of the reasons BIDs can be so divisive is because they are initiated (with approval from the council ) by a small handful of self selected individuals who, many with probably the best of intentions, take it upon themselves to push for a compulsory ballot to impose a mandatory tax on hundreds of people.

These individuals often are volunteers have little expertise and don’t understand about communication. It is never dawns on them that what they are doing might not be a good idea !

Business people telling other business people what they have to do with their money is often going to end in tears!

If the BID wants to run using a Private Limited Company then it should be voluntary, businesses should be able to opt out, this is how private companies have been set up to run.

If the BID wants to impose a mandatory supplement to the rates bill then it should be directly under the governance of the Council (this is allowed in BID regulations) but no Council ever wants to have the accountability for how this mandatory tax is spent, here Advancing Aberystwyth is an alternative you speak about.

You must realise that the BID is a Business Improvement DISTRICT ‘owned’ by the Council who subcontract the running of to a private company, only a Council is allowed to hold a BID ballot and only a Council is allowed to send you a bill demanding payment of the BIS levy because the levy is a TAX

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Against BID