Why won't Advancing Aberystwyth reply to questions from levy payers?


We have been requesting information, answers to Advancing Aberystwyth for many weeks, emails to the employed BID Manager, the general email address, the BID Chair and another Director and NO REPLIES, here is this week's email (w/c 19th October 2020) .....

Morning All,

So here we are again, another week has passed and still NO COMMUNICATION from anyone regarding the requests for answers / information.

Just as I voiced my concerns on the structures of a BID in the early days of the company formation and how so much power is given to so few and how that can be abused in certain circumstances, yet assurances were given that Aberystwyth would be different, yet here we are withholding information and individuals making company decisions that should really be made at board level.

We haven’t even got to the bottom of the “fantasy footfall figures” and it is unlikely that you are ever going to give clarity or provide the data to back up your figures, if you are refusing to give answers to very basic questions.

It is pathetic and very unprofessional that you feel that ignoring me is the best way forward and you all wonder why I am so against the process that has been forced upon many of us.


This is why this page has been set up, to show everyone what goes on behind the scenes, it's not all pretty deckchairs and ice rinks.

At a time when all businesses are suffering, Advancing Aberystwyth just continue regardless without any justification for their actions.

There is more exposure of their little tricks and lies to come, you may think they are whiter than white and the whole business community is in support of a BID but that is most clearly not the case.


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