BID Business Plan & Feedback

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So much to say I don’t know where to start. Why is there actually literally nothing in the plan. This is the summary plan all over again, nothing of substance i couldn’t tell you one thing in there from the consultations. Also who are ‘staff’ and why are we paying somebody £20,000 a year (almost 17% of the levy!) when Mo said our town was too small and not enough levy to employ a town manager!!! I am appalled and quite horrified at what I’m reading to be honest
I’ve read and reread the plan 3 times now and I genuinely can’t find anything new since the summary plan. What on earth are they thinking?
They can’t even budget properly! Haven’t bothered accounting in the financial forecast for the c£54k in loans to be paid back to the Council and private investors. Part of believing in a BID is having faith in the team proposing it, and if they can’t get a simple thing like this right, what hope if there? Has anyone in the Task Group actually got any business sense? This is basic stuff.
I predict it will all end in tears ……. Not including the larger businesses to boost the levy pot and just relying on forcing lots of little businesses to pay into a pot that isn’t big enough to have much of an effect isn’t gonna work. Too many overheads and not enough money.
jobs for the boys always has been but they need to wake up to reality putting themselves forward for this could open more than a can of worms, anyone on this bid task force should be honest and open and we all know that is not the case here - knaresborians have long memories
What a complete waste of money how will or could knaresborough business grow or even survive under such silliness time for people to stand up an say NO
Against BID