Who is behind Knaresborough BID?
Knaresborough BID Ltd was set up in July 2019 and has 2 Directors, Robert Hodgkiss and William Taylor.
Interestingly, in February 2021 even before the formal ‘consultation’ process with the towns’ businesses has started, they have already told the Press that the BID plan is to focus on marketing Knaresborough to "encourage overnight stays". Guess what? One of these Directors is a local property developer / owner of short-stay accommodation, funny that eh?
Even if his intentions are honourable, one still has to question why they have such a clear marketing strategy for the BID already, doesn’t bode well for the future if a couple people are driving their own agenda so early. Establishing a BID is a big decision, it would be for nearly 400 Knaresborough levy paying businesses, and hence the spending strategy and business plan needs to be the result of extensive consultation and consensus with as many businesses as possible; not a couple people pushing what they would like and think is best for everyone else!
“said the town had a history of being "undersold" by the district's marketing bosses but added the BID would tackle this with campaigns to attract new visitors and encourage overnight stays.”
"We want to change the perception that Knaresborough is somewhere you visit for just two or three hours and instead have it seen as a base of operations to explore our beautiful surroundings.”
The companies Rob Hodgkiss (Knaresborough BID Director) is also a Director of:
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