Are Minehead BID 'hiding evidence' to avoid scrutiny?


Minehead BID have been updating their website, but seems they are also going about 'hiding evidence' in response to the backlash they've received recently, ask yourself why?

1. The BID boundary map they've deleted all existence of, see and it's also disappeared from the downloads page. They clearly haven't liked peoples scrutiny of the BID map, so simple remedy, remove it from view and people can't scrutinise.

2. Their entourage of Council Advisors no longer appears on the team page, funny that eh? The BID Chair and Directors have failed to keep the Councils and their Councillors at arms length, after all we are told BID is nothing to do with the Councils, but Council influence has been too strong. In 2020, even a BID Director expressed their concern about the influence of so many councillors attending the Board meetings, but nothing changed. Bit late to realise the 'optics' aren't right so better delete them from the team page.

Against BID