Tell us your concerns about Taunton BID.


BID's are not fit for purpose and are an unnecessary stealth tax most businesses don't vote for, but have to pay! Just read our articles and you can build up a clear picture for yourself of all the BID risks and negative aspects Taunton BID are hiding. We’ve tried BID before and it didn’t work out for us, and from what we’ve seen and heard from Taunton BID again, looks like it will be more of the same as an extra unwanted overhead with no return.

No Taunton BID is supporting businesses saying NO to another proposed Business Improvement District (BID) in Taunton, so please do share your concerns about Taunton BID with us. Businesses across Taunton have been sharing their worries about and objections to BID with us and they are being collated for use in our NO campaign which is shaping up nicely. Together we can "crush BID" in the ballot!

P.S. If you would like to become more involved in the NO campaign (now or when it gets closer to ballot time), please do also let us now.

taunton bid taunton business improvement district.png
Against BID