They can't even calculate their annual levy income!


Having had the Ballot List less than a few hours, a quick scan then a simple Rateable Value check, any one familiar with Excel would know how little time this takes, seconds. Then to calculate the Levy from this, 1.25%, a few more seconds taken up of my free time, then calculate 97% of this, the levy collection rate.

This simple calculation, that took less than 30 seconds, gives me a figure that should match that on the Business Plan, called Levy Income but it doesn't.


How can such a simple task be so glaringly wrong ?

Put a list together of businesses, add names and addresses, add a column of Rateable Value and calculate from there your Levy Income.

How did this figure then increase by £20k to £160k in the Business Plan ?

There is no rocket science to the Business Plan, many business owners reading this, will have done one or more in their professional careers, maybe not with so many glossy alluring pictures or quotes about your competitors but the principles are all the same.

Get your facts right and check your figures time and time again !

It is clear to see that Advancing Aberystwyth is not fit for purpose, certainly not capable of being accountable for over a £1 million pounds of our Towns money.

I would rather hand over my hard earned money to Dougy, pictured, to look after and spend wisely.

You have the choice to end this farce called Advancing Aberystwyth, end the lies and deception and sheer incompetence.

VOTE NO, surely this is obvious !!

( Due to the current lockdown restriction and many businesses closed, our social media posts form part of our No Campaign canvassing, if you need to know more please feel free to contact us )

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Against BID