Aberystwth BID Board want the Council to help vote in the BID against businesses.


So here is the "official" confirmation, and despite months earlier being told "The Board" will not be asking the Council to abstain, only in November did they actually discuss and vote on this.

Meeting Minutes are very vague and really don't give any insight into the discussions that took place but it is highly unlikely that the new members of the Board were made aware of how vital the Council votes were last time round and they skewed the result from a No to a Yes.

We have seen over the four year period how there is a clear conflict of interest with the Council and a BID, services slowly being handed over and we can only assume this will continue if a second term is won.

There are calls Nationally for Councils to abstain from voting in ballots, not just here in Ceredigion, and in the Powys, they elected to abstain from the two BID ballots in their County.

Council votes seriously skew the outcome of a ballot (18 votes estimated here in Aberystwyth) and it is a tactic constantly played out, car parks, toilets, empty Council owned shops etc, all get a vote in order to assist the highly funded, one sided, Yes Campaign to ballot.

Ceredigion County Council, despite the BIDs eagerness to want their multi Yes votes, should themselves, opt to abstain from the ballot ensuring that the decision is purely based on the "businesses" of the Town, ensuring a fair and balanced ballot between the business for or against the BID.

Against BID