More Advancing Aberystwyth lies to deceive us, when does it stop?


When is this going to end ? We are seeing one lie after another, simply covered up and Advancing Aberystwyth continue to deceive the businesses of Aberystwyth, who are ultimately paying for their games.

Last August, there was a claim in the Newsletter that "our team even cleared pavements "voluntarily", this was also posted on the Facebook page but has since been removed.

Why ?? Because this work was NOT voluntary at all, it was paid for out of the levy pot !! With the removal of the post and some rumblings behind the scenes, it appears someone or a collective is trying to cover their tracks and no doubt we will be told it was funded from a non BID Pot, but that still does not make it voluntary, even if this is the next lie to be played out !!

Not only was this a PAID project, the person carrying out the work did not receive full payment from Advancing Aberystwyth for the work he did and was considering legal action against them.

Advancing Aberystwyth ends middle of March 2021 and can only continue if it wins a ballot getting over 50% Yes votes. Work is already going on behind the scenes to achieve this by using external consultants, paid for out of the money they have yet to spend. Playing on the Council block votes, over 18, yet to be confirmed, with all the usual BID Ballot tactics being played out.

If you want another 5 Years of lies vote Yes but if like a lot of businesses, you have had enough of this, VOTE NO. There is no magic wand, no Trump like denial of a ballot outcome, over 50% voting NO sees the end of a BID in Aberystwyth for good.

VOTE NO and end the lies !!!

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Against BID