Advancing Aberystwyth deception about BID levy reductions.


The LIES continue, this time, ironically on the website in the Advancing Aberystwyth Facts section !!

They do their own Q&A and despite the proof being given on this page back in November 2020, Advancing Aberystwyth continue to LIE, once again and here is the proof.

The question......Do Aberystwyth University receive an 80% discount on their levy payments?

AA Answer.....No. The University do not receive any discount and pay the full 1.25% of the rateable value of each of their premises within the BID area.

Yet it is documented in the legal Meeting Minutes of November 2018, where Mark Joseph, the BID Chair confirms it, see picture below of the Minutes which are on the AA website.

How can this Board of Directors be given another 5 Years to simply LIE to the businesses of Aberystwyth ?

Do they really think that the businesses of Aberystwyth are stupid enough to believe their lies ?

What else is this Board of Directors trying to hide ?

Do you trust this Board of Directors with YOUR money for another 5 Years ?

Bring an end to this contempt for the businesses of Aberystwyth and VOTE NO !!

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Against BID