Is a BID the only option for Aberystwyth?


The BID Team is relying on the “something is better than nothing” option for the Town’s growth, but is it ?

Has the Town grown in the first 5 Year term and is it likely to grow in the second whilst being funded by the businesses of the Town, who are in the middle of some very hard times, with a very uncertain future.

Let’s take a look at some other Towns we will all know of and their links to a BID

Colwyn Bay – voted for a BID in 2016, just like Aberystwyth but this never really succeeded in anything and what it did claim to do, such as getting a stage of the WRC held on the promenade, was simply riding the wave of others hard work, familiar story. Fast forward 3 years to 2019 and the BID was wound up after the businesses of Colwyn Bay had simply had enough of the process as it was simply not delivering.

Brecon – held a ballot last year for the first time and the businesses of the TOWN voted NO and this was fully decided by “businesses” after pressure for a fair ballot, forced Powys County Council to abstain from using their 22 votes, more on this can be found on the “No Brecon BID” page.

Cardigan – this small coastal Town has a thriving bustling High Street with a really nice mix of local independent shops / restaurants, that many Aberystwyth locals, make the hour journey South to enjoy, has NO BID. Cardigan’s turn around has come from the renovation of the castle which has spread to the quay area and then up into the Town, the castle being a visitor draw for locals and those from further afield and this all has a positive impact on the Town. This in turn encourages others to take the leap on moving to the High Street with their artisanal businesses and it continues to grow and all in the same County with the same limitations.

What has happened in Cardigan, could happen in Aberystwyth, especially with the Old College project, but the things that require this are not addressed at all within the current BID Business Plan, Pop-Up shops, business mentoring, business community.

Aberystwyth needs to play to it’s strengths, we are a coastal Victorian seaside Town which has a lot of offer, the High Street needs to change, rents / rates need to drop to encourage more local independents to grow and move into the Town or move on to larger premises, leaving their old one for a new business to take the leap. Just like Cardigan, can be achieved without a BID.

What we see above is that a BID is not always the success it is claimed to be, or wanted by the businesses, if voted without Council influence and a successful Town can thrive and grow without a BID

P.S. Here’s a bit more UK wide proof that having a BID doesn't necessarily mean a town will thrive better than those without a BID. Here's some proof, see image and these questions.

Q1: What do 18/20 of these worst High Streets have in common?

Answer: A BID. And the worst (poole) even has a BID!

Q2: In this same survey does the town that came out as the top High Street in the UK have a BID?

Answer: No, it doesn't have a BID.

Don’t believe everything the YES campaign are telling you!

Against BID