Spot the liar?


We are seeing a repeat offender who is constantly pointing the finger at those opposed to a BID as being liars, yet despite these slanderous claims, all posts are substantiated with facts. Yet he has not once backed up his "lair" claims with facts, unlike what I can prove time and time again.

Eddy Webb, a Director of Advancing Aberystwyth, is the repeat offender, yet is oblivious or ignorant, can't decide which, to the lies he and his fellow Board members and directors are prepared to put into print in the Business Plan, the legal document you are voting on.

Hate to keep repeating this but Eddy and Crew ( sounds like an 80'a pop group ) have on several occasions confirmed in print that the University do not receive 80% discount on their levy, yet EVERYONE of them knows that this is not true as shown below in their minutes way back in November 2018.

Yet EACH and EVERY DIRECTOR has agreed to the Business Plan as being 100% Factual, but this is clearly NOT the case, and even more unbelievable there is caveat in the BP to give this discount in the next term.

When you see Eddy in the street, ask him "Why are you lying to the businesses of the Town ?

When any member of Advancing Aberystwyth get's in touch asking for your Yes vote, ask them, "Why are you lying to the businesses of the Town ?"

Why not get in touch with Eddy or any Board director directly and ask them "Why are you lying to the businesses of Aberystwyth ?"

Against BID