It's all in the details ....


In business, it always pays to read over the detail many times and then ask yourself, "What is missing?

In the case of the Advancing Aberystwyth Business Plan there is no mention of any further payment freeze. So if Advancing Aberystwyth is voted in, the levy demands will land on our doormats and a 6 months payment demand will be due as of April 1st

After three and a half months shut, as businesses the first thing to land of our doormats when we re open will be a payment demand that pretty much jumps to the top of the pile of all the other bills .

A Levy Demand is a tax and is treated differently to your creditor invoices. This bill is in the same league as your business rates and taxes, payable by enforcement.

A Levy Demand is not optional, it is must be paid whether you agree to the BID or not. However you can act now, do you want the BID or not? VOTE NO is still an option .

VOTE NO to see an end to this enforced tax.

Against BID