Advancing Aberystwyth pays to clean non levy payer properties!


In July 2020 once again we see Advancing Aberystwyth applauding themselves for their Caru Aberystwyth Project, yet is it really to be applauded ?

Upto 65 property owners ( non levy payers ) have received FREE gutter clearing PAID for by the levy paying businesses, is this really the way levy payers want to see the money being spent ?

I don’t disagree that the Town needs cleaning as it is looking very tired but that does not mean that those responsible, Council and property owners, should be receiving this work FREE of charge.

There are serious question marks over the management / overseeing of these works, in the past businesses have stated work was not carried out and grass in the gutters was clear to see but Advancing Aberystwyth made excuses and claimed all was managed correctly and levy payers were getting value for money.

How can that be ? How can paying for something you have not received “value for money” ? How can paying for someone elses property maintenance be "value for money" ? The only people getting value is the Council and the non-levy paying property owners !!

As a levy payer ask yourself are you happy for Advancing Aberystwyth to be spending you BID levy like this? Shouldn’t they pay for their own cleaning rather than you subsidising it?

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