Advancing Aberystwyth hate open discussion.

For years Advancing Aberystwyth have been censoring their social media pages, ensuring only positive comments are seen, even hard to answer questions have been deleted and if the poster questions it, they will find themselves blocked or banned from the page.

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Against BID
Yet more University discount lies from the AA Board!

So an Advancing Aberystwyth Board Director comes on our Facebook page and says the University have paid the full levy from day one - yet his own Board meeting minutes show this is not true! Yet again we show a member of the AA Board to be a blatent liar, see for yourselves! Why do they carry on like this?

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Against BID
Where’s your ballot paper gone?

Over the past four and a half years how well have the Advancing Aberystwyth board got to know you and your business? Do they know your name? Have they ever spoken to you, got your name, your contact number, asked who or how your business will be voting?

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Against BID